Mobil Rack Green Wall
The Plantscape Mobil Rack planter is a flat trellis display of plants on a rotating planter so it can easily be moved and adjusted to suit your space. The felt material softens noise and the plants help to add dimension and interest. Plants have a tendency to move to where they have the best access to resources. The ultimate path they take can make for a beautiful image.
Key Features
- ContentThermaLeaf® Inherently Fire Retardant Foliage, Soundcore® Recycled PET Acoustic Felt
- DurabilityImpact resistant, shock absorbant
- WeatheringNon-deteriorating, non-hygroscopic, colorfast
- MaintenanceClean with vacuum or light dusting
- WarrantyComes with industry-leading standard warranty
- EnvironmentalLEEDv4, VOC free, 100% recyclable, non-toxic, non-allergenic, anti-microbial
- InstallationPlantscape Installation Systems are product specific
- AcousticsProvides acoustic dampening
- FlammabilityASTM E84: Class A
- SustainabilityMade from 60% recycled content and is 100% recyclable