Concealing cell phone towers is often a compromise to an unwanted problem. No one wants a cell phone tower in their neighborhood, known as they are for bringing masses of steel to otherwise quaint neighborhoods, reducing home values, dosing people with unhealthy levels of radiation (some say), and inciting gridlock at zoning boards all over the country. The improvement of cell phone coverage, for whatever reason, does not make up for these drawbacks in most people’s eyes.
Concealing cell phone towers with outdoor artificial trees and plants, however, can make all the ballyhoo seem like nothing but empty sound and fury. Many artificial tree solutions, when done by professional manufacturers, look incredibly authentic and seamlessly blend into the forest environment around them. The most common varieties of cell tower trees include faux Elm (which is very similar to artificial Banyan foliage manufactured by Commercial Silk), Palm and pine tree cell tower.
Cell Phone Tower Pine Tree Outside of silk plants and trees, many other creative concealments have been implemented, including church bell towers, street light poles, lighthouses, and more. At the end of the day, if you can convincingly hide a cellular tower, there’s not a whole lot left to do but be thankful for better coverage.