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Fire Retardant Regulations and Artificial Silk Plants

Our clients are constantly wondering whether or not they are required to use fire-retardant plants for their projects. In an effort to help our clients determine whether or not their project requires the use of flame retardant foliages, we have done some preliminary research. We began by researching the requirements of flame retardant fabrics according to the Office of the State Fire Marshall in California. As you can see, the SFM has the authority in drinking and dining businesses, places of public association and schools, to require decorative elements and fabrics (drapes, curtains, drops, hangings and tents, awnings or other fabric forms) be made from a non-flammable material, or treated with certified flame retardant chemicals. That authority has developed over the years to include other decorative materials such as artificial trees and plants, Christmas trees, and trade show display equipment. Places of public assembly is defined as anyplace the public assemblies including Hotels, Malls, Hospitals, Senior Living, Office Buildings, Retail Establishments, Airports, Government Buildings.

Artificial trees and plants by Commercial Silk are built using flame retardant foliage that has a Class A rating according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). We are the industry’s largest importer of proprietary designed fire retardant artificial foliages. We are a registered and approved supplier of both flame retardant chemical and flame retardant fabrics by the State of California. In addition, our fire-resistant foliages pass the NFPA 701 and NFPA 705 tests which are the Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. In addition, our inherent fire retardant foliages are tested according to ASTM E84 and have a Class A rating.

To learn more about flame-resistant silk foliages as well as review landscape projects using fire retardant plants, we invite you to read about the many beneficial reasons for using silk plants and trees.