Nearly 50 years of industry leadership. We bring our legacy of expertise in architectural, landscape, and industrial design to every project.
We celebrate nature in the design of our products. We create artificial plants, trees, topiaries, hedges and green walls that reconnect people to nature.
View past projects from around the world. See indoor and outdoor artificial greenery implemented on a grand scale, and find valuable downloadable assets.
CSI Creative
Learn about our design process, find out how to engage, and get a foundation for biophilic philosophies.
Fire-safe materials. High-end visual feedback. Responsible material sourcing. That's why you choose Plantscape Commercial Silk.
ThermaLeaf® fire-resistant artificial foliage and PermaLeaf® UV-resistant outdoor foliage are the heart of safe and long-lasting installations.
Outdoor, indoor, fire code compliant, ultra-tough. The widest selection of commercial-grade artificial greenery is a click away.
Find out what's possible. Gain new perspectives and inspiration, and discover new ways to bring joy to your spaces.
Curated, high-polish products with a cohesive visual identity. Unify an entire building or campus with a single defined collection of biophilic features.
Get in contact and get answers. Read about our long history of growth, and discover our brand family.
Explore some of our proudest projects, and get a glimpse of what our design, build, and installation process looks like.
Download digital assets, learn to design with nature more effectively, and get an insider perspective on the industry.
A better space for better conversations.
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