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Holiday Office Decorating Ideas with Faux Birch Logs, Barks, Branches

Faux birch logs, faux birch bark, and faux birch branches make for excellent decorative touches, especially during the holidays when birch ornamentation is so popular. Since faux birch materials are generally made from silk, they can be re-used year after year, resulting in a dependable, long-term supply of decorations that stimulate holiday cheer.

Faux Birch Bark Description

Birch trees are characterized by their thin, white bark. The bark is always marked with long, horizontal lenticels, or patterns on the bark that allow gas exchange from the tree to the air. All Birch trees are slender, and the bark remains the same regardless of region. Though the bark is relatively fragile, artificial tree producers have developed excellent faux Birch bark products that look and feel just like the real thing. Artificial tree bark sheets can be made in sheets that can be used to create decorative column covers, or Birch bark can be made from a clay-like material that is hand-carved.

Birch tree bark flourishes in lots of light, but some shade is also suitable for them. They can withstand freezing temperatures, but wind can be an issue since their twigs are usually fragile. Most Birches grow between 40-50 feet tall, and hardly ever exceed 50 feet. The leaves are egg-shaped or ovate-shaped, but some species have more of a triangular shape.

Faux Birch Logs Usage

Birch trees are known to be able to grow in any climate, even Arctic latitudes, though all Birches are located in the northern hemisphere. Most grow very quickly and are thus short-lived, dying between the ages of 40-60 years. As such, Birch logs are often made from the vast supply of trees, and faux Birch logs can be made directly from natural wood when appropriately treated. Faux Birch logs can be supplied in many different sizes from small Birch twigs used as decorative branches to large Birch poles used in hotel lobbies and restaurants.

Today, Birch logs are very often used to make drums. This dates back before the 1970s, and innovators seem to be coming up with new uses for Birchwood for musical purposes every day. Before Birch logs were used, Maple was the wood of choice. However, because of a natural boost in high and low frequencies from Birchwood, it makes the drums sound more deep and full. Faux Birch logs are sometimes used in the making of acoustic and semi-acoustic guitars, and even used as a material in mallets for xylophones and other keyboard percussion instruments.

Faux Birch Branches Traits

Birch branches tend to be thin and weak and are sometimes not even strong enough for bird nests, though in American Indian culture the Birch branches and bark were used for making footwear. Silver Birch branches are very fragrant and are often used in saunas to relax muscles. Going back to ancient times, the bark and branches were also used in the construction of very strong, waterproof canoes and wigwams. Birch is an excellent wood to have around when a fire is needed. It burns very well, even when frozen or wet because of the oil it contains. Birch bark is even used in the making of “Birch Beer,” which has a taste similar to root beer. There are many productive uses for faux Birch branches as well, both decorative and functional. Often faux Birch branches are used as tabletop decorations in weddings or as decorative branch displays for events.

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